Welcome to the website of St Peter's, Langley Burrell, an ancient Anglican church set in the beautiful Wiltshire countryside. It is one of three churches in the Greenways Group, Chippenham, along with St Paul's and St Nicholas. Each church differs in its style and expression and as we work together we seek to draw on the strength of each. We are worshipping Christian churches, rooted in the Gospel and serving the community.
St Peter's is in the diocese of Bristol, whose mission statement defines our sense of purpose: "To be a community of wholeness with Christ at the centre."
This means we are outward-looking and inclusive, while retaining traditional Christian beliefs. At St Peter's the value of our inheritance is acknowledged and we intend to retain the best from the past, but also be responsive to the changing world in which we live. Our regular Sunday services contain elements of traditional liturgy in an accessible form along with contemporary approaches to prayer and worship. Visitors and enquirers are always welcomed by our friendly congregation and leadership.
St Peter's is in the diocese of Bristol, whose mission statement defines our sense of purpose: "To be a community of wholeness with Christ at the centre."
This means we are outward-looking and inclusive, while retaining traditional Christian beliefs. At St Peter's the value of our inheritance is acknowledged and we intend to retain the best from the past, but also be responsive to the changing world in which we live. Our regular Sunday services contain elements of traditional liturgy in an accessible form along with contemporary approaches to prayer and worship. Visitors and enquirers are always welcomed by our friendly congregation and leadership.
Latest News
The news of historical safeguarding concerns within the Church of England requires a local response: We can give a clear assurance that this is not simply an issue we take very seriously, but that for a long time now we have given attention to and embedded in practice. Our parish safeguarding officer, Julie Swales, has done a great job in keeping the leadership up-to-speed and aware of policy and practice developments. A copy of the Greenways Safeguarding Policy is available With no rector at present in our parish and limited availability of external support, we are prayerfully using our own resources to keep our schedule of services happening. And that seems to be working well, though more help is always welcome. Too few people take on too many roles, so if you are able and willing to get involved yourself please let us know! The evolving style of our worship combines some traditional aspects with the use of modern tech. and this seems to have been appreciated by most. At St Peter's our evolving mission is to serve the community in Jesus' name and that has a practical aspect as well as a spiritual one. St Peter's is important as a holy house of prayer and as a place the community comes together for important life events; it is also a heritage building. For all those functions we need to be able to provide suitable, facilities: mainly, I mean a toilet that is accessible to all because we value everyone. And that is what we will achieve with your help: A lot of work and fundraising has already taken place, plans submitted, permissions sought. Now we need about another effort to get over the line and raise maybe £20k by the autumn. If you can help - thank you! Please scan the QR code in the 'Donate' section of this website. We would love to hear from you, and perhaps arrange a personal tour of the church (to see the carved heads of Sir Reginald and Lady Ann de Cobham, for example!) Of course we would also welcome you to our bi-monthly services. Visitors have often commented on the warmth of welcome they receive, but we place no pressure on anyone and if you are curious - or even feel God calling you - then 'taste and see'. Have you visited the village website where there is information about the new heritage trails? (https://langleyburrell.org/) Regular Worship Our worship services take place on the first and third Sundays of each month at 10:30am. Please see the calendar for more information. We understand the demands of life today, but this haven of peace, beauty and spirituality is a place to cherish. It offers somewhere to sense the presence of God and to learn quietly together what faith has to offer for each of us. We are a very mixed group of people, always happy to welcome new faces. However, if you just choose to sit quietly at the back at first, that is fine by us. Safeguarding: Our group of churches is fully committed to its safeguarding responsibilities for all, but especially children and vulnerable adults. All its officers are regularly made aware of safeguarding matters and are subject to DBS checks. https://www.stpaulsweb.org.uk/safeguarding.htm If you have any concerns, please contact: Julie Swales – Parish Safeguarding Officer, St Pauls, Chippenham Joy Morland – St Peter's Safeguarding person, at Langley Burrell For other information about St Paul's, visit the website: www.stpaulsweb.org.uk/welcome.htm Priest in Charge: We are in a period of interregnum, searching prayerfully for our next incumbent to lead the Benefice. The Church Office can be contacted on 01249-444771 but with limited cover, so please leave a message if no-one is available. |